Sean is growing like a weed, we think he is between 9.5 and 10 lbs already, but will find out exactly on Friday at his one month pediatricians appointment.
We have enjoyed all of the visits from all of our various family members, and we are planning our first flight down to Charlotte, NC for Thanksgiving, and long car ride to Bloomsburg, PA for Christmas to spend both with family.
Lets see... milestones.
*Sean has been able to lift his head on his own since he was only a couple days old, and he has gotten much more adept at it ever since.
*Sean has graduated from sponge baths to a baby bath tub, and he loves sitting in the warm water.
*Sean actually has a bedtime routine, which is such a relief for Brian and I.
*Sean has outgrown his newborn size clothes, and is now permanently in 0-3month size.
*Sean has outgrown newborn diapers, and is now firmly in size 1.
*Sean is able to recognize Mom and Dads voices, and follow us across the room with his eyes.
We are completely in love with him, and can't believe how quickly he is growing up, the time goes by far too fast. In the mean time, here are some of our favorite pictures from the month.

awesome pumpkin pictures. yay happy kids!
"Permanently in 0-3 month size"- oh my dear friends, how quickly this too shall change! Love the pics! Thanks for sharing!
OK, permanently was the wrong word, I meant completely. Found out today he is 9lbs 14.5oz.
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