
The People Have Spoken

Well, the votes have been tallied, the sonogram has occurred and apparently our little one likes to go with the popular vote. It's a boy!

Everything went very well today. Both Helene and the baby are healthy. They checked all of the vital organs, counted 10 fingers and 10 toes, and the baby measured right where it should be for timing, 20 weeks, 3 days. We are extremely excited. His name is classified and under tight wraps until he is born. Enjoy the pictures below!


Anonymous said...


Well, since the name is classified, that leaves it open to a poll, yes?


But for now, "Baby MC" will have to do.

Anonymous said...

Cori can't wait to meet the newest McLaughlin...congrats on your bouncing baby BOY!

R. Glipglorp said...

Congrats on symmetry, gender, and anatomical intact-ness!

Just be warned - ultrasound, even at this stage, doesn't pick up tentacles well. There's still hope! ;)