
The Lost Viewing Center

Oh yes, dear readers, another post. This is a celebratory post. We just upgraded our home to HDTV. I just felt the need to share. No words...no words can describe...should have sent a poet....

(Bonus points to anyone other than Helene that gets that...)


Helene said...

Whoo hoo!!! Oh I can't wait for Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Do I get bonus bonus points for correctly attributing that quote to Jodie Foster?

Anonymous said...

...or would it be better to go directly to Carl Sagan?

The McLaughlins said...

Double points to Angie. That gives Angie two points and everyone else is remarkably quiet, intimidated maybe? ;-)

kb said...

hey, i want points! you can't prove i didn't know it was from contact before looking at others' posts. you know, it's that movie where jodi foster looks like donna w!

The McLaughlins said...

Ah, but Angie is the loyal reader that gets the points win, you can't win Final Jeopardy if you never make it to the studio ;-)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap there are points... I'm totally commenting more often. BTW need a points board... maybe we can have a end of year, mclaughlin blog awards.

PS - I nominate jean... crap can you nominate yourself? w/e I'm gonna do it.